We know that choosing the right school for your child can be one of the most difficult decisions you will make as a parent, so we are pleased to host open mornings for parents who are considering our wonderful school for their child’s first steps on their learning journey.
If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact the school office on 01372 274913 or who will be happy to help you.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
How to apply for a Year Reception place at St Peter's
If your child was born between the 1st September 2020 and the 31st August 2021, then you can apply online for a school place for September 2025.
The closing date for on-time applications is 15 January 2025.
The link for the online Surrey County Council School application process is here and all parents wishing to apply for a place at St. Peter’s should complete this, as well as the SIF (please read the highlighted information below carefully).
The governing bodies of Catholic schools are responsible for deciding the order of priority for admissions to their schools.
To enable the governing body to do this, parents are also asked to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and return it directly to the school office by the closing date for applications.
This form allows the Governors to put all applicants in order of priority for admission in line with the published admission policy.
Please note that while completion of the SIF is not mandatory, if a completed SIF is not received, the Governing Body will only be able to consider the application based on information provided to Surrey County Council in the online application.
Unless you are applying under oversubscription criterion 8, 9, 10, or 11, if a completed SIF is not received, this could result in your child being allocated a lower priority ranking.
You can download our Admissions Policy and SIF at the bottom of this page.
Maps of our Parish boundaries which form our catchment area may be found within the Admissions Policy. The Published Admission Number (PAN) for Reception is 60.
For information purposes, the supplementary information form is available in Spanish, Portuguese and Polish. These are available from your church or the school office. However, the form itself needs to be filled out in English.
Essential Paperwork for September 2024 Admissions
Admissions for the Academic year 2025-26 (for children wanting to join Reception in September 2025)
You should use the 2025-26 paperwork - click on the links below
- Please see below to view our Admissions Policy for 2025-26
- Please see below to view our Supplementary Information Form (SIF) for 2025-26
How to apply for an In-Year place at St Peter's
What are In-Year Admissions?
You can make an in-year application if your child needs to join a school outside of the normal admissions round - for example, if you move house and your child can no longer attend their current school.
If you want to apply for an In-Year admission to St Peter's Catholic Primary School, you need to complete:
A School Managed Application form for In-Year admission to a school (SMA)
- The SMA Application Form can be found here.
- You MUST return the SMA Application Form to the school, addressed to: Mrs Alison Cardy, Admissions Officer, St Peter's Catholic Primary School, Leatherhead KT22 7JN or by email to:
- Guidance notes to help you complete the SMA Application Form are available here.
The School’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
- The SIF is available at the bottom of this page. Please make sure you use the form for 2023-24
- You MUST return the Supplementary Information Form to the school addressed to: Mrs Alison Cardy, Admissions Officer, St Peter's Catholic Primary School, Leatherhead KT22 7JN or by email to:
Who processes your application?
The governing body is the admissions' authority for St Peter's Catholic Primary School and has responsibility for admissions to the school, including setting the priority of admissions when the school is oversubscribed. St Peter's Catholic Primary School will consider whether it has any vacancies and if so, assess whether it is able to offer a place. The school will contact you to let you know the outcome of your application.
When will parents be notified of the outcome of their application?
Upon receipt of an In Year application, the school will aim to notify parents of the outcome of the application in writing within 10 school days. However, it might take up to 15 school days. You must respond to any offer of a place within two weeks.
The right to appeal
If you are refused a place at any school you applied for, you have the right to make an appeal to an independent appeal panel. Where an application is refused, the school will set out the reason for refusal.
For applications for In Year Admissions, appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. If parents wish to appeal, they must set out the grounds for appeal in writing.
Other Information
Where an applicant is offered a school place following an in-year application, and the offer is accepted, arrangements should be made for the child to start school as soon as possible, particularly where the child is out of school.
If your child is not offered a place, you can add their name to a waiting list. Waiting lists are ranked according to each school’s admission criteria. Your child’s position on a waiting list may go down as well as up, for example, if other children with greater priority according to the school’s admission criteria are added to the list.
The Published Admission Number (PAN) for all year groups is 60.
Essential Paperwork for In-Year Admissions during 2025-26 school year
Admissions during the Academic year 2025-26 (for children joining mid-year)
You should use the 2025-2026 paperwork - click on the links below
See below for the Admissions Policy & Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
See below for the Admissions Policy for 2025-26
In line with DfE guidance, immediate entry appeals should be heard within 30 school days of being lodged and September entry appeals should be heard according to the published timetable.
Other deadlines may vary as this is being looked at on a case by case basis. Details will be sent to you with information regarding when and how your appeal will be heard.
See below the Appeals Timetable for 2025.
Should you require a free paper copy of any of the policies/forms listed below, please contact the school office staff; they will be happy to help you