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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

St Peter's Catholic Primary School



The St. Peter’s curriculum for mathematics provides our pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding to become fluent and confident mathematicians. Children are taught to think and reason mathematically, applying skills efficiently and fluently to come to an accurate answer to problems. Maths is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy. A high-quality education is crucial in providing children with an understanding of the world around them whilst inspiring a curiosity and enjoyment of maths.


Our Curriculum

At St. Peter’s we follow the National Curriculum for mathematics. You can find a copy of the maths programme of study for Key Stages One and Two here:




All children from the EYFS have a daily maths lesson and additional short maths sessions as needed across the week.

Children are taught using a combination of resources from the White Rose scheme of work (as taught from Year 1 onwards) and NCETM’s Mastering Number.


KS1 and KS2

Children in KS1 and 2 have daily maths lessons, following the White Rose scheme of work. This framework is designed to be enjoyable, engaging and varied in order to help pupils develop a love of learning and to work towards mastery. White Rose Maths is defined by their belief that maths is a subject accessible to all learners.

White Rose Maths teaches children mathematical concepts through a range of methods in order to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – in addition to improving fluency. Fluency is about developing number sense and the ability to select the appropriate method for a task, applying these skills to multiple contexts.

Our teaching, and the resources of White Rose, follows a CPA approach (concrete, pictorial, abstract). This approach is highly effective in allowing children to deepen and sustain their mathematic understanding.

In KS1, Primary Stars and Fluency Bee are also used by teachers to support their teaching of mathematics. Fluency Bee is separate to the main lesson input and helps to develop pupils’ mathematical fluency.




Numbots is an online resource that supports children’s maths education in EYFS, KS1 and at the beginning of KS2. It supports pupils with their fluency in subitising, addition and subtraction.

Your child has an individual login for Numbots to allow for them to use this little and often – five minutes daily is the ideal. Please don’t allow siblings, friends or family to answer questions if your child is stuck.

As well as being accessible from any internet browser, the Numbots app is available to download too.


Times Tables Rock Stars

A strong knowledge of multiplication facts is vital to success and children are able to work on their times tables through the use of Times Tables Rock Stars.

Times Tables Rock Stars is an online resource that supports children’s retention, speed and accuracy with multiplication facts up to 12x12.

All children in KS2 have individual logins for Times Tables Rock Stars to allow them to practice in school and at home.


1-Minute Maths

The 1-Minute Maths app from White Rose enables pupils to practise basic subitising, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. We encourage parents and carers to use this app at home as well. Whilst primarily aimed at KS1, 1-Minute Maths supports pupils in KS2 who have gaps in specific number skills and helps to improve fluency and confidence.