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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Mission Weeks

In September 2021 we introduced Mission Weeks at St Peter’s.

Dear God,

You call us to leave all things, you who had nothing.
You call us to be servants, you who came to serve.
You call us to share the load, you who carried our sin.
You call us to speak your word, you who lived it daily.
You call us to be followers, and in your strength, we will.


Across the year, each class spends a week focusing on a specific charity or cause and aim to raise awareness for it within the school community. During this week children are given the opportunity to reflect on their own mission and how our actions affect one another, our local and wider communities.

Our Mission weeks allow pupils to have a deep experience of belonging and enthusiastically embrace the demands that membership of the community entails. Children are given the opportunity to support the community of the Universal Church, continuing Jesus’ mission.

We encourage children to be considerate to others and caring to anyone in apparent need, not only through our planned Mission Weeks but also spontaneously throughout the year when they feel that they have been called. Recently some of our Year 6 children asked for donations or toys and activity books for the Afghan refugees who had recently arrived in England and were living locally in hotels. By encouraging children’s own sense of vocation, we hope that they can recognise the importance of using one’s gifts in the service of others. 

Our Mission Weeks 2021-22

Willow & Maple – Toilet Twinning

Oak & Ash – Thank you to the NHS

Rowan & Beech – Lent (Mission Together)

Elm & Birch – Go Green

Hazel & Cherry – Reaching out to local care homes

Hawthorn – Food and water waste

Poplar – Go for Gold (Raising money for Neuroblastoma)

Sycamore & Chestnut – PLAN International