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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Reception - Maple & Willow Classes


Maple: Miss Charlotte Nicholls

Willow: Mrs Clotilde di Crescenzo

Welcome to St Peter's. We are the first teachers that you will work with during your time at our school and we want you to have a really positive start to school life. If you have any questions about how we work in the Early Years (Year Reception), or have anything that you would like talk about then please feel free to drop in and see us.

You can find the 'Welcome to Year R' booklet, given out at our induction meetings, at the end of this page.

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Christine Burgess, Miss Ella Case, Mrs Lisa Chapman, Mrs Magda Nicholls, Mrs Cristiana Canale, Mrs Naomi Power

How We Learn 

Learning in our Early Years classes is a joyous journey of discovery. Children are active participants in their learning, acquiring new knowledge and skills, developing their thinking, taking and managing risks and working independently and in groups.

In the Early Years, children have a daily structured phonics and maths session which teach new skills and knowledge. The children also spend long periods of time in exploratory play, where they use their new knowledge to interact with their classroom
environment, supported and extended by our excellent staff.

Carefully planned experiences across the curriculum capture the children’s imagination and build on their developing skills across the year.

Children are able to work inside and outside in all weathers. They have opportunities to cook, make art and music and create with modelling equipment and woodwork.  Resources to inspire children to read, write and explore mathematical concepts are always available.  The children also have a weekly apparatus session where they develop balance and coordination and can climb, hang and swing.

For in more formation about what we teach, please go to the 'Early Years' tab under 'Our Curriculum'  

Snack Time

When children need to, they are able to help themselves to a healthy snack from our class ‘Snack Shack’. This is stocked with a selection of fruit, vegetables or toast which they prepare and serve themselves.  Milk and water are also always available

At the End of the Day

Children are dismissed from their class doors, please come in through the Reception area gate. Please don’t be late for your child. Your child must know who is going to collect them and in the early days it is a good idea if it is you or someone they know well.  You should let the school know the name of the person who will normally collect your child and inform us of any changes.