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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Writing - Y5 w/c 13th July

Well done for getting to the final week of term! 

Like last week, we will be practising a number of key skills to ensure that you are ready for next year.  You should therefore do the following this week (although you don’t need to do them in this order):

  1. Do the comprehension activity on Theseus and the Minotaur.  Please make sure you are doing at least two stars, but most of you should be aiming to do the three star activity.  Some of you will be very familiar with the story.  Remember that the version in the passage may be different from the story you know.  It is therefore really important that you base your answers on what the text says, rather than your own personal knowledge.
  2. Complete pages 5-8 of the Correct the Spelling Mistakes worksheet.  If you have a dictionary in your house then please practice using this in order to check your answers.
  3. Work through pages 5-8 of the Adverbials for Linking Sentences workbook.
  4. Write a letter to your future end-of-Year-6-self.  Think about what is important to you, how you want to feel about yourself and how you want others to feel about you.  What do you want to be proud of when you have completed Year 6 and are ready to leave St Peter’s?
    Once you have thought about these things, write a letter telling them what you hope to achieve and how you plan to achieve it. 

All of the resources can be downloaded below and will also be available on Google Classroom.


Please keep practising your spelling words using any strategies we’ve used in class. The word list can be found in your home learning pack or is attached below.